7 Questions to Dina Baitassova
photo of the artiste Dina Baitassova
Who is Dina Baitassova?
Originally from the great steppes of Kazakhstan, I spent more than 10 years observing, learning and understanding art and culture in Paris, in a larger open-air museum. From the very first years of my studies I took on the role of a cultural ambassador between my country and France, then Europe. I tried to create bridges, cultural exchanges and to make known the artists of my country and of Central Asia. I am curious to know new horizons in art, to meet passionate people and to make beautiful mixes between different cultures.
What is your favorite ritual during the day?
Lately, I have been learning to breathe. It seems obvious but I have the impression that human beings do not know how to breathe. At least I am learning different breathing techniques from yoga and other spiritual disciplines. Each practice is a mental and physical rebirth. We all need to stop during the day and feel the present moment, the body and the universe in which we live. Breathing is a direct path to the universe and the cosmos.
Your background in art?
My background is hybrid - art, design, interior architecture, museum scenography and a bit of press. I have always been looking for new experiences that mix all these fields, looking for innovation and experimentation.
Why did you choose the field of art and not something else?
I would say that it was Art that chose me. I resisted at first, I wanted to do something more practical, I didn't understand a lot of things. Art demands a lot from you, your whole being. It's also very exhausting. But in the end, I think that only art is really important in life. At least for me.
Dina Baitassova
What do you think of the concept of our gallery la maison Melem France?
I really like the idea that this platform is open to all women in art in the world, it's a wonderful opportunity to travel without traveling, to know new artists from all over the world.
Your definition of influence?
It is difficult for me to answer this question. How do you measure influence? Probably it is a substance that changes the course of time, it is a power. The power that women absolutely need.
Dina Baitassova, Carla Arigoni, His Excellency the Ambassador of Kazakhstan, Jérôme Sans. Photo: Valentin Le Cron
What accelerates your career?
Books, travels, exhibitions and all the new encounters that this provokes.